How to print your inbox, including subfolders and mail items

open System.Runtime.InteropServices
open Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook
let printTreeStruture l =
    l |> n -> 
        printf "%O" (String.replicate n " ")
        printf "%O" "|") |> ignore
    printf "%O" "- "
let printItems l (mi:MailItem) =
    printTreeStruture l
    printfn "%O" (mi.Subject)
let printFolder l (mf:MAPIFolder) =
    printTreeStruture l
    printfn "%O" (mf.Name.ToUpper())
let items l (f:Items) =
    for i in f do
        match i with
        | :? MailItem as mi -> printItems l mi
        | _ -> ()
let rec folders l (f:Folders) =
    for mf in f do
        printFolder l mf
        items (l @ [1]) mf.Items
        match mf.Folders with
        | :? MAPIFolder -> ()
        | _ -> folders (l @ [1]) mf.Folders
let main argv = 
    let o = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ApplicationClass()
    let mapi = o.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    let mv = System.Reflection.Missing.Value
    let f = mapi.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox)
    let exp = f.GetExplorer(false) 
    printFolder [] f
    folders [0] f.Folders
        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(o) |> ignore 
        | exn ->
            let innerMessage =
                match (exn.InnerException) with
                | null -> ""
                | innerExn -> innerExn.Message
            printfn "An exception occurred:\n %s\n %s" exn.Message innerMessage

The only dependency is the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook assembly


The output will be like:

| | |-Email1_Subject
| | | |-Email1_Subject
| | | |-Email2_Subject
| | | |-…

If you have the issue that not all messages are retrieved, follow this kb article: Read more at Only a subset of your Exchange mailbox items are synchronized in Outlook 2013

But the trick is to set the Mails to keep offline slider to All: All

And remember to release the COM object.